106 Capital Project Phases
106.1 Phase I – Master Plan:
After the necessary contract with the Architect is prepared and executed by the Archbishop, the Architect will:
1. Meet with DFREM, the pastor and Parish/School Building Committee regarding the project and the expectations of the parish/school and DMS.
2. Develop a site plan showing existing conditions to include boundaries, land contours, zoning/development restrictions (e.g. wetlands, steep slopes, woodland, soils, cemeteries, etc.), all utilities (water, sewer, electric, gas, cable), and all existing improvements (buildings, paving, etc.). Special considerations, such as historic designations or environmental issues, must also be identified.
3. Based on the Needs Analysis Report, prepare a spatial program for approval by the pastor, Parish/School Building Committee and the DMS.
4. Based on the approved spatial program, prepare a master plan of the entire campus/property for approval by the pastor, Parish/School Building Committee and the DMS.
5. A facilities condition assessment and a hazardous material survey must be completed for any/all buildings before any project is planned or undertaken.
6. FREAC shall review and make a recommendation to the Archbishop regarding whether to approve the final plan.
106.2 Phase II – Schematic Design and Project Cost Estimate:
Based on the approved spatial program and master plan, a detailed site plan showing all existing conditions and restrictions, floor plans, and building elevations, and schematic drawings for the work contemplated shall be prepared by the Architect. DFERM, in consultation with the Parish/School Building Committee and Architect, shall prepare a Project Cost Estimate Worksheet for review by FREAC.
106.3 Phase III – Design/Development:
106.3.1 Preparation of Design Development Plans:
The Architect shall prepare design/development plans and an outline specification for the project. The Architect’s design documents shall include: a detailed site plan (existing and proposed), floor plans, building elevations, building sections, material/color selection board; preliminary mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural plans; and complete outline specifications.
106.3.2Preparation of Revised Project Cost Estimate:
A revised project cost estimate must be obtained from a general contractor or professional estimator recommended by the DFREM. This estimate, together with the Capital Project Cash Budget Form, available here (LINK being revised), must be submitted to the Director of DFREM for approval.
106.3.3 Meeting with FREAC:
The design/development plans, Revised Project Cost Estimate, and Capital Project Cash Budget Form shall be submitted to DFREM for a review meeting with FREAC at the Catholic Center. The pastor must be present at the meeting at which FREAC’s review is performed. Following DFREM and FREAC review, and any necessary revisions, the project will be recommended by the Director of DFRM to the Archbishop for his approval.
106.3.4 Review of Renovations to Liturgical Areas:
The Archbishop will review and approve all renovations or changes to liturgical areas.
A) In the case of renovations to liturgical space, a color rendering or elevation of the interior space is required.
B) The rendering shall show such features as site lines, key liturgical furnishings and artwork elements (altar, tabernacle, crucifix, baptismal font, ambo, lectern, celebrant seating, altar server seating, gifts table, reredos screen, choir, stations of the cross, stained glass, etc.).
106.4 Phase IV – Construction Documents:
106.4.1 Drafting of Construction Documents:
With the Archbishop’s approval, the design/development plans shall be expanded into construction documents, including working drawings and specifications.
106.4.2 Preliminary Review by DFREM:
When the construction documents are 50 percent complete, updated TPC estimates and supporting documentation must be submitted along with the draft construction documents to the director of DFREM for review. Any changes identified during this review shall be forwarded to the Architect through the project manager for amendment of the construction documents prior to soliciting bids.
106.4.3 Final Review by DFREM:
When the construction documents are 95 percent complete, the Architect shall submit a complete set of plans and specifications to the DFREM for final review and approval prior to release for bids.
106.4.4 Required Specifications:
Specifications shall include: standard Archdiocesan General Conditions; Front-end Documents (AIA Section 800, as formatted by the Archdiocese) and form of contracts.
106.4.5 Required Construction Documents:
Construction Documents shall include: Statement of the right to accept/reject any and all bids; Standard General Conditions; Statement of Owner’s right to approve all principal subcontractors; and Requirement for Bid-Bond equal to 5 percent of the Contractor’s bid.
106.5 Phase V – Bidding:
106.5.1 Pre-Qualified Bidders:
DFREM will pre-qualify and recommend general contractors and certain principal trade contractors, (e.g. mechanical, electrical, masonry, roofing, etc.) for all Category I & IV projects.
106.5.2 Recommended Bidders:
DFREM shall recommend not less than three (3) bidders who have agreed in advance to submit a bid if invited.
106.5.3 Unqualified Bidders:
Contractors who are determined by the DMS to have discriminated in any way with respect to race, sex or national origin or to have failed to provide a living family wage reflective of the principles of social justice shall not be qualified to bid. Subject to and in accordance with the Archdiocesan Conflict of Interest Policy, available here, parishioners or related parties shall not bid on projects for their own parish to avoid conflicts of interest. Requests for exception to the Conflict of Interest Policy must be approved by the Archbishop.
106.5.4 Pre-Bid Meeting:
A pre-bid meeting shall be held by DFREM, the Architect, and parish/school for the benefit of all bidders to clarify the scope of work and answer any questions.
106.5.5 Performance and Payment Bond:
Contractors must furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond in the total amount of the contract. The name of the bonding company must be submitted to the Office of Risk Management for review and approval.
106.5.6 Receipt and Opening of Bids:
Bids shall be received and opened at the parish/ school, the Catholic Center, or other location approved by DFREM.
106.5.7 Bid Evaluation and Selection:
Bids shall be evaluated by the DFREM, Architect and Parish/School Project Team. The project shall be awarded to the lowest, qualified bidder.
106.5.8 Contract Preparation:
The ALC shall prepare for execution an agreement with the selected bidder using the appropriate amended AIA form for review and approval by the Archbishop.
106.5.9 Final Bid Review:
Before the contract is signed, DFREM, parish/school representatives, and the Architect shall review the bid proposal in detail with the successful bidder to insure that the bid covers and satisfied all specifications.
106.5.10 Distribution of Executed Agreement:
Copies of the executed agreement shall be distributed as follows:
1.One (1) original to the Pastor or Head of the Institution;
2.One (1) original to the Contractor;
3.One (1) original to ALC;
4.One (1) original to DFREM;
5.One (1) photocopy to the Architect.
106.6 Phase VI– Construction:
106.6.1 Pre-Construction Meeting:
After the contract is signed and prior to beginning construction, a meeting of the General Contractor, all Principal Subcontractors, the Architect, DFREM, the pastor or designated parish/school representative shall be held to review all aspects of the contract.
106.6.2 Progress Meetings:
Progress meetings shall be held at least every two (2) weeks at the job site with the Contractor, Architect, DFREM and parish/school representatives. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded by the Architect or Contractor and copies submitted to all present and interested parties.
106.6.3 Change Orders:
All Change Orders shall be processed and documented in a timely manner in accordance with section 102.2.4 of this Policy.
A) Any adjustments/changes to the authorized budget shall be approved in advance by DMS or Archbishop as appropriate.
B) Copies of all Change Orders shall be submitted to DFREM for its records.
106.6.4 Payments to Contractor:
Payments to the Contractor shall be made upon monthly requisitions, after payments are certified by the Architect and forwarded to the Project Manager. Five percent shall be withheld from each monthly requisition until the project is substantially complete.
106.6.5 Payments to other Professionals:
Payments to the Architect and other professionals shall be paid in stages as set forth in the contract for professional services. Ordinarily, professional fees for construction administration shall be paid monthly.
106.6.6 Pre-Acceptance Requirements:
Prior to acceptance of the Work:
1. Parish/school representatives, Contractor, Architect and DFREM shall conduct an inspection of the Work, during which the Architect shall prepare a “Punch List” of all non-compliant work.
2. The Contractor shall obtain all Use and Occupancy Permits.
3. The Architect shall issue the Certificate of Substantial Completion identifying the date on which the Archdiocese, or parish/school was able to take beneficial occupancy and the Contractor Warranty Period initiation date for all satisfactorily completed work.
4. The Contractor shall submit all Operating and Maintenance manuals.
5. The Contractor shall train the Owner in the operation and maintenance of all systems.
6. The Contractor shall submit to the Owner all warranties, permanent keys, and all special tools.
106.7 Phase VII – Completion and Closeout:
106.7.1 Final Inspection:
Final inspection shall be conducted jointly with the Design Team, PM, pastor and parish/school representatives.
106.7.2 Final Payment to Contractor:
Final payment to the Contractor shall be made only after 100 percent completion of all punch list work including: punch list items; submission by the General Contractor and all subcontractors of a Release of Liens; the Consent of Surety to Reduction in Retainage, and Consent of Surety of Final Payment; submission of record drawings or “As-Builts” to the Design Team; and completion of any other requirements of the contract documents.
106.7.3 Final Payment to Architect:
Final payment to the Architect shall be made only after completion of all aspects of the project by the Contractor as described above, submission of record documents to the parish/school and, one (1) electronic copy and completed final Project Cost Data Form to the DFREM.
106.7.4 Record Documents and As-Built Drawings:
As part of their basic services, design consultants must continuously update and provide final record documents for all Category I, III and IV projects and final as-built drawings to the parish/school and DFREM.
A) As-built drawings shall be provided in hardcopy and electronic form.
B) The electronic form of the documents shall be in the format approved by DFREM at project completion.
C) All cross-referenced files and blocks shall be bound thereto and all files purged of unused layers and objects.
D) Drawing Execution shall conform to The U.S. National CAD current Standard for Layering, Drafting, Schedules, Organization, Symbols, Referencing, Terms, and Code Conventions.
106.8 Phase VIII – Project Warranty Period:
Latent (hidden) defects in the Work of the contract discovered within twelve (12) months after the Architects’ issuance date on the Certificate of Substantial Completion and Punch List are considered warranty defects that the Contractor is required to correct at no additional cost to the parish/school.
Upon discovery of such defects in the Work, the parish/school shall notify the Contractor of the problem in writing with copies to the design consultant and DFREM.